Download the App from the Google Play Store

Once you have setup the App on your mobile device you will need this information to send money to First Baptist Church of Wrightsville

The churches tag name is $fbcwcares

Instructions on donating to the church using CashApp

  1.  Select the App on your mobile device or tablet
  2.  Enter in the dollar amount you would like to contribute
  3.  Select the Pay button in the lower right hand corner
  4.  Next a screen should pop up asking you for “TO” and “FOR” information. “TO” information is “who you are sending money to”.  Here you would type in the church’s tag name shown above – $fbcwcares.
  5. If this is your first time sending a donation to First Baptist Church of Wrightsville, then after you fill out the “TO” section, the CashApp may inform you that our tag name is not in your contact list.  If you choose CONFIRM, it will add $fbcwcares to your CashApp list of contacts.  We suggest you do, as it will make it easier for you the next time you donate.
  6.  Next is very important to finance department:  The “FOR” box should contain how/where you want your donation to be counted. Example..
    If you want your donation to be applied to your tithes, then in this section you would enter “Tithes”.  If you wanted your donation to be applied to “Pledges”, or “Benevolent”, or “Building Fund”, or “General Offering”, or a specific “Other” cause.  Then you would list one of these in the “FOR” section.
  7. Finally, you should be ready!!  Just press “PAY” in the upper right hand corner of the CashApp screen, and the process should be complete.